Monday, April 22, 2024


The Strokes, in 2006. "You Only Live Once."

Nancy Sinatra, in 1967. "You Only Live Twice."

How do you say "Jane, you ignorant slut!!!" in Yiddish?


  1. in more diffident brit, it comes out

    "er, yes -- but it's all wrong -
    that is, I think I disagree"

  2. Strokes are a good band.

  3. The Strokes track is really quite good. I need to go back and try their music out again, if they are consistently this good and I missed it.

    I know it's currently hip to think Nancy Sinatra is good, is cool, but The Captain thought she sucked back in the 1960's and still holds that opinion in 2024.

    But Captain don't hold back, tell us how you really think!

    PS: This was also the worst of the Sean Connery Bond movies.

    Captain Al (Opinionated Snob!)

  4. I was sort of late to the party about the Strokes.

    But then again, I was less than thrilled with most of the big name stuff in the 90s at the time.

    BTW, I love what Triumph the Insult Comic Dog said when he encountered them on the Red Carpet for one of those misbegotten MTV Awards shows.

    "The Strokes -- look how cute you are. Like the Monkees with a drinking problem."

  5. They are certainly dedicated to their video!

  6. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog sure knows his stuff!

    Captain Al

  7. "Like the Monkees with a drinking problem" is a great line.
    I wonder how many bands could be so deemed.
    Maybe a Friday survey?
