Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Tales From the Great White North: Rare But Not Well Done

From sometime in the 'aughts, please enjoy a commercial for Outback Steakhouse featuring a lyrically rewritten remake of "Wraith Pinned to the Mist (And Other Games)," the admittedly infectious song originally unleashed by deceptively monikered indie poseurs Of Montreal. (And by deceptively, I mean that the band was from Athens, GA, fercrissakes.)

So why do I bring this up, you ask?

Because, as I suspect at least one of my perceptive readers has already guessed, a certain Shady Dame and I are winging our way today to Montreal itself. Excuse: vacation.

But don't worry, we'll be back on Sunday, and fear not: new Thursday and Friday posts are already written and in the on-deck circle.

And hey -- if anything interesting or alarming happens to us during our brèves vacances dans le Nord, I'll keep you posted.


  1. Montreal reminds me of Leonard Cohen. And here's a really good rendition of "The Future" at a concert in Oslo seven years ago

    Erlend Ropstad & The Salmon Smokers - The Future

    The song is a bit too stark for a pleasant vacation - but at some point there may be an appropriate time to listen to it

    if YouTube goes away before I do - very unlikely - I'll miss it

  2. Catch an Expos game while you’re up there.

  3. While you and The Shady Lady are up there look for a place we all may want to live after November.

    Captain Al

  4. I'm a Quebec Guy -
    The Frontenac

  5. Lotsa good stuff out of Athens over the years. My fave? The Woggles, of course

  6. It's okay to admit that you're a big Celine Dion fan.

  7. Hey, while you're in Le Grande Orange or whatever that burg's nickname is, you might be lucky enough to see these filles anti-émeute:

  8. They speak the Kings language in
    Montreal - Quebec not so much
