Monday, May 06, 2024

Welcome Back, (Alte) Kaker

So as you may have guessed, a certain Shady Dame and I have returned, unscathed, from our brief sojourn to lovely Montreal, in darkest Canadia. We had a great time, and on the morrow I'm gonna post something interesting and amusing and actually relating to music that we encountered while there. It'll be worth the wait, trust me.

But in the meantime, from his just released album Undefeated, please enjoy hitherto unknown to moi middle-age Brit punk-folk- pop-and-occasionally-political rocker Frank Turner, and his absolutely fab gear new single/valentine to the "Girl From the Record Shop."

That song totally rocks, as you can obviously hear, and I'm absolutely knocked out by the video, which manages to be both creepy and hilarious -- if that was done low budget with AI, the future may not be as dire as I've been thinking of late.

In the meantime, where the hell has this Turner guy been all my life? According to Wiki he's been recording and performing since forever (well, since 2001) and he's incredibly prolific, and yet for some reason he's never impinged on my consciousness until now.

Like what's the deal with that?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I know, great song! When I first heard it a couple of days ago it had a completely different video? But both are great. I find this vid adorable.


  3. Steve - I fewl moved to respond to your question about Frank Turner and consciousness impingement.

    Seemingly relevant, at least to me - last night Missus Charley and I watched a movie on Netflix - The Secret: Dare to Dream. In this movie Albert Einstein is quoted - I am not sure this is an actual quote, but I have heard it attributed to him before - "Coincidence is God's way of staying anonymous" - there is more than one meaningful coincidence in the movie, of course.

    So, I suggest that you have just heard of this fellow because NOW is the right time for you to do so. Certainly his song has a witty video - there's also a lyrics video available, I see - and the song and the video reflect the vinyl revival that you and I have lived long enough to see. But there's more.

    I hadn't heard of him before either, but his Wikipedia bio says he was a schoolmate of Prince William, whose father is currently King of one of the countries I am a citizen of (Canada, to be specific - and you've just got back from there - coincidence? You decide) He's friends and musical collaborator with Emily Barker, and they gave a show "Barker Turner Overdrive" (and the original BTO is a Canadian band - coincidence?) And it happens that Emily Barker's live performance of "Look Out for My Love" is one of my favorite covers of one of my favorite Neil Young songs (and Neil is from Canada too - "get the picture? Yes, we see")

    And also on spouse and self's weekend viewing - we were on a rom-dramedy streak - "Love Again" - co-starring Celine Dion. Need I say more? Well, not now.

  4. The song reminds me of "Girl On The Phone" by The Jam

  5. Have I got great readers or what?

  6. getawaygoober5/06/2024 10:26 AM

    AI species seems to have evolved from MST3K's Tom Servo and Crow.

  7. I love the video!!! Love it!

    Captain Al

  8. Great song and video. Thanks for the tip!

    - Paul in DK

  9. A Canadian Billy Bragg? Not that that's a bad thing.
