Thursday, September 12, 2024

Capt. Al's 21st Century (Part IV): Hey -- With a Name Like That, I Was Expecting Some Kind of Welsh Witch!!!

[As attentive readers will recall, our old friend (and more important, Friend of PowerPop©) Allan Rosenberg, aka Capt. Al, has been toiling on a series about his fave recent artists for a while now. The third installment of these musical musings -- dedicated to Lydia Loveless -- appeared here end of August. Now, as promised, here's episode le quatrième! Take it away, you old sea doggie!!! -- S.S.]

Welcome to the “Best Rock 'n' Roll Music of the 21st Century, Part 4”, by Captain Al

Let me remind both you (Simels’ wonderful readers) and myself that these columns are about what I consider my favorite new music of the still new century. Coincidentally, I just happen to think the best has been made by women. And once again I will be throwing you a curveball with today’s selection: Rhiannon Giddens.

Her music (and possibly her) personality is a study in contrasts. She studied to be an opera singer. She is part of a movement to reclaim the banjo as an African-American musical instrument, And she's also a human rights activist.

Getting right to the point -- I think Rhiannon and her music could ONLY have been created in the 21st Century, precisely because of the traditions it draws on (stretching back hundreds of years). Which is to say I feel it could not have been created before now: it needed to percolate its various influences until OUR time.

Okay, let's examine some representative work. First, here she is as roots music creator:

Now let’s check her out on the banjo:

And finally, here are some of her semi-classical/operatic excusions:

Rhiannon presents quite a past and future for music, and I find her artistry both fascinating and beautiful. I wish I had some deep background to explain what makes her so special on a musical level but alas I don’t. So all I’ll say is -- just give into her magic and follow its wonderful paths.

You're right, Capt.; She's really something. I have to admit I was only fitfully aware of her work previously, but wow.

I mean, that evocation of Edith Piaf alone is kind of a jaw dropper. And the banjo stuff really makes you know who's records -- that superstar gal whose initials are Beyoncé -- sound like the work of a dilettante.

In any case, thanks for the music, pal, and I'm looking forward to episode five!!!


  1. thanks, guys - steve and capt. al - this is wonderful - sometimes when our expectations are overturned we find we are not disappointed after all

    people who might be near killarney, county kerry, in ireland in mid-january have a chance to hear ms. giddens perform and give a keynote speech, as well as witness a lifetime achievement award being presented to old-timer peter rowan ["panama red", "midnight moonlight"]

  2. I've loved her music for over a decade now. Simply amazing. Check this out!:

  3. I've highlighted Rhiannon at least five times over at my place, dating as far back as 2015. Truly an amazing artist.

  4. Amazing. Important. Artist's Artist. Pulitzer Prize. Serious. Deep. Roots Conscious. Expanding on Tradition. Social Justice Advocate. Nonesuch.

    Beyonce is a dilettante.

    Rhiannon Giddens is on Beyonce's latest album.

    It's all good, I guess


    More fun por favor
