Thursday, September 26, 2024

Today's Hit Parade of Hell (An Occasional Series): Special "Finally -- a Pop Diva Named After a Racehorse!" Edition

From 2024 and the VMAS, it's appalling 21st century shlockmeistress Chappell Roan and her inexcusable smash hit "Good Luck, Babe!"

Let's see -- how shall I describe the above song/record (and the "live" performance of same)?

By which I mean the butt-ugly auto-tuned vocal and the flatulent/embarrassingly silly chorus-guys production number that probably cost more than enough to feed the starving children of certain third-world countries?

Oh okay, howsabout...oh, I dunno -- charmless, melodically mediocre, sexless, soulless, mass-produced assembly-line crap?

Seriously, the nicest thing you can say about the whole thing otherwise, especially if you merely heard the song on your car radio and were feeling exceptionally forgiving, is that it might be kinda...cute.

Have I mentioned that Roan, as you can hear and see from the above, is essentially a third-rate Madonna clone?

Which is hardly thrilling, given that -- as everybody at this point in music history knows -- Madonna herself almost totally sucked (heh) to begin with?

BTW, I should add that there is an entire school of music journalism today that exists solely to justify this kind of shit. Which is truly reprehensible.

I mean, can you imagine what we'd have been reading if those hacks had been around during the pre-Beatles Frankie and Annette era?


Okay -- enough of my yakking.

And a coveted PowerPop No-Prize© will be awarded to the first reader who guesses the relevance of the above to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania!!!


  1. Whoa- extra minus points for the burning crosses!

  2. I know -- isn't that just the tackiest stupid shit you've ever seen?

  3. Luckily, I’m overseas and the video won’t play.

    - Paul in DK

  4. Oh but the kids love it. M y half brother's sister's mother-in-law's daughter had an amazing time at the Chappell Roan concert. You know, she's like our version of Lily Pons. Let the kids have fun. People were saying the same thing about Helen Shapiro 60 years ago.

  5. I blame all of this kind of performance nonsense on The Rolling Stones' giant inflatable penis, I believe all this uncalled for spectacle started then.

    As to why guys might respond to Ms. Chappell, just look at the size of her booty!

    All those flames can't lead to a good ending. Where's the fire marshal :-)

    Captain Al - responding to crap like this after seeing X last night. After seeing one of the best rock & roll shows I've ever seen who has patience for nonsense like Chappell Roan (Who is she?)

  6. Then again I think rock & roll still matters.

    Captain Al

    1. B-but...b-but X just play hard-hitting passionate songs that sound as fresh as they did 25 years ago!! How can they be anywhere as good as dancing in front of a schlocky Vegas revue while lip-syncing a by-the-numbers production number?!?!
      C in California

  7. That's quite the fascist spectacle - burning crosses and men in armor? Yeah, no message there, nossirree.

  8. Would you guys and gals agree that the music was one of the least important elements of the performance?

    Was "Joan of Arc" or "Alexander Nevsky" major influences? Of course along with Joni Mitchell! ;-) !!!

    Gummo - Very astute observation.

    Captain Al

  9. The performance would look great on Broadway. Kind of like "Springtime For Hitler"!

    Can you believe how this has gotten so under my skin? I gotta get a life!

    Captain Al

  10. That should have immediately been given an award for "Stupidest Production Number Ever For A Pop Song".

    1. Oh, yeah? Have you seen My Chemical Romance's 'The Black Parade?'

  11. I’ll paraphrase the quote I saw from Stevie Nicks a few days ago: if you have to pull this kind of shit to seem relevant or sexy, maybe you need to find another line of work.

  12. with the ordnance deployed in this video Ukraine could have won the war by now.
    um maybe biggest spectacle in a video or live concert performance?

  13. I just watched about half a dozen of Chappell Roan's videos. Turns out while the "Good Luck Babe" video is totally over the top (Phantom of The Opera anyone?) and makes our skin crawl, her music is acceptable in a 21st Century way and the visual/video element is as important if not more important then just the music alone. The audio & visual work together not independently. Like it or not she is 21st Century music staring us in our faces. Hell, it's better than Kiss.

    The audio/video component is here to stay and we can all just ignore it if we choose. It doesn't really matter because most of us will be gone in another 10/20 years!

    But, we can smugly enjoy the fact that in 60 years today's music fans will feel as lost and ignored as we 20th century rock and roll lovers feel today in 2024!

    :-) !

    Ancient (but still trying) Captain Al

  14. Well, I was wondering what ever happened to the June Taylor Dancers.

    The music itself was too bland to hate, much less develop an opinion on. The Joan or Arc costume looked painful. And you would think the Titans of the Music Industry in the audience would be able to , if not wave their hands in unison, at least catch the beat.

    Listomania? I dunno, songs that will give Steve a heartattack?
    I Love A Girl in a Uniform?
    Unable to name that tune the next time you hear it?

  15. Music videos with pyrotechnics?

    Booties designed by R. Buckminster Fuller?

    Captain Al

  16. How did this start as a garage band?

  17. Robert B Mullen9/27/2024 2:09 PM

    Hey Steve someone's listening -
    Chappell has cancelled entire tour ;-)
