Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Not a real posting, but news of various kinds:

My buddies Provan have been featured on This Week's Finds over at Fingertips, a great site which links to all kinds of free mp3's on the web. Joe and Bill are back from their Midwestern adventure, apparently having narrowly avoided murder at a Ted Nugent concert. (True: Ted was encouraging his audience to kill liberals, New Yorkers, John Kerry, and.... um, singer-songwriters, maybe?) Anyway, they got out alive, undoubtedly in some Europa, Europa sort of fashion, by pretending to be Republicans, or perhaps by hiding under the rotting carcass of a bull, like Liam Neeson in Rob Roy.

Also, apparently The Records are back in the studio. For geeks like me and my buddy steve, this is deeply exciting news. You can read about it and hear some new (and old) clips at the link above.

I think I'll just keep posting nuggets as I find them.


  1. why o why can't a 'bizarre hunting accident', similar to the fates of Spinal Tap drummers, befall the Nuge?

    N Carraway

  2. I think it's a lot harder to shoot yourself bowhunting...

  3. Timbukfour, TX (AP) Has been rock god Ted Nugent was found dead in a patch of uncleared brush near his recently acquired 'ranch'. County Coroner JD Squane said in his report, "Apparently Mr. Nugent's wango got tango'd in his bowstring, and in his frantic efforts to extricate himself, the bow went off- ejecting Mr Nugent into the cedar brush, which got him in a stranglehold. Rumors he may have been under the influence of Cat Scratch fever cannot be substantiated by our tests, however I can say this was a truly stupid way to go."

    byline: Nick Carraway
