Saturday, February 26, 2005


Oh, dear god. As it turns out, My Dad the Rock Star is in fact available here in the good old U.S. of A.--it follows SpongeBob. I haven't had the intestinal fortitude to watch it yet, but my kid tells me, "It's okay."

And a student who reviews for Pitchfork has an advance copy of Robert Pollard's From a Compound Eye, of which he's allowed me to download about half. (Be clear, he would have given it all to me, but the connection was impossibly slow, so I only have about 8 tracks.) I'm not exactly a reviewer, as you guys know all too well, but it's good. Recognizably Pollardesque. I think we'll have to watch to see where Bob grows without GBV, but as he always seemed to approach his band and solo work as generally interchangeable, I guess we should, too. ("Flat Beauty," one of my favorite Pollard solo songs, was shit-hot live. I was more clear-headed for that GBV show than is usually the case--I was 7 months pregnant.)

UPDATE: I now have all of From a Compound Eye! Not a disappointment, but not too much of a progression either, so the samples gave a fair sense of the full thing.

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