Monday, March 07, 2005

The Good Stuff

Sometimes you miss it, sometimes you don't.

Had a lovely time at the NYC Blogger's Dinner on Saturday, meeting the ebullient NTodd in person and putting faces to lots of names I knew. I won't give a full report here, because I don't have to. Elayne and NTodd (our generous and perky host), watertiger and Leslie are on top of that. (If you look carefully in one of Elayne's pics, your humble narrator is there. Wish I'd been smart, like steve simels, an put up my hands.)

Meanwhile, I go to bed early one night--one night, I swear--and miss this excellent thread at Eschaton.
Atrios asks for: Bands Which Suck But You Love Anyway

I don't mean a couple boy band tracks you groove to guiltily at the gym. I mean, a band whose entire catalog is sitting on your shelf and you eagerly wait their next release but about which you are embarrassed...

And I missed it. Full props to my divine friend watertiger, however. First comment posted: "Where the hell is NYMary?"

To be fair, my participation in such a conversation would be likely to descend quickly: I've got a lot of bands whose whole catalogs I own, but hell, if I was embarrassed, I wouldn't have this blog, now would I? I have all of Shoes and 20/20, for example (including Ron Flynt & the Bluehearts and his recent solo album, which I mean to blog about shortly), but there's no shame in that for me. We have startling amounts of GBV (and Pollard solo, and Lexo and the Leapers, and Go Down Snowball), Superchunk, Red Kross, and XTC. But no shame, not really. I was amazed to see what folks are ashamed of: Chumbawamba? I love those guys! Perhaps I have a lower shame threshold than most, but there weren't a lot of Michael Bolton confessions--even geeks have their limits.

But I should've been there. Read the thread for great entertainment.


  1. 'Ebullient' and 'perky'...certainly not the typical words people use to describe my obnoxious hyperactivity! Thank ye kindly... :-)

    PS--You've linked to to Leslie's trackback, not her post.

  2. Hell, I just thought you were really, really drunk by the time I got there. Was waiting to see if you'd unscrew one of the sconce shades and put it on your head.

    You're right, of course. "Perky" is usually reserved for breasts.

  3. Heh, I'd only had one beer when you guys showed up. But after years of boring road life, my tolerance is also unfortunately very high, making me an expensive date...

  4. I've rolled up at least one of my guilty music pleasures in this week's Tuesday Music Challenge™. Now with easier-to-identify tunes. :)

  5. Man, when you're whoring on this blog, Jeffraham.....

  6. ... the fish stop swimming?

    Okay, I won't whore here again.

  7. But, but.... I love it when you whore here! I'm just not sure it'll do you any good.

    You have some seriously obscure taste in music, Jeff. And this is ME saying that. So you know....

  8. Ah, okay. I thought I could take a hint. :)

    I've had six unique visits from yer blog, but it's not quantity -- it's quality ears and minds I'm after. This is one place I can expect to find those, eh?

    My tastes, obscure? Okay, Sonny Sharrock might be obscure. Fishbone, XTC, The Sundays -- all of them were past eMpTyV fodder, no? Back in the days when MTV still played music videos, that is. Other than between 3:00-3:45 a.m., of course.

  9. NYMary!

    Heard these guys, thought of you.

    Singer's got chops and presence, choruses are catchy, they are a cool band.

    Think you'll like 'em.
