Saturday, April 30, 2005

Great Minds Think Alike!

DOing my usual morning outrage cruise through Left Blogistan, I happened upon this topical posting from Susan at Suburban Guerilla about Philly power-popper Jim Boggia.

So Jim finally has a new album on a "real" label. And guess who co-produced it? Julian Coryell (with Joe Zook, who's also done the studio thing with Liz Phair, Rufus Wainwright and Courtney Love). Small world, huh?

If you like Beatlesque power pop, I strongly urge you to give this album a listen. (Oh yeah, for you music geeks: Boggia co-wrote songs for this CD with Emmitt Rhodes, Jill Sobule and Aimee Mann, who all appear on the album. )

I met Susan at the NYC Blogger's Dinner in March, a nice, nice woman. (But aren't you supposed to be resting your hand? ;)) The album's not out for a couple more days, but you can hear the excellent track, "Live the Proof," and order the CD, at Bluhammock.

Okay, it is the absolute truth that I had no idea I was linked to here until sfter I drafted the post. Guess I should click through all the links first! But I'm going to check out this Boggia, and you should, too.

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