Thursday, June 16, 2005

Happy Bloomsday!

On a bit of hiatus, because this is the day upon which James Joyce's Ulysses is set. This is even geekier than power pop; trust me. But I'm in mid-conference and will be back soon. Ciao!


  1. "This is even geekier than power pop; trust me."

    Oh, I believe you
    Hope you guys are having fun!!

  2. Happy Bloomsday to you. I was gonna celebrate by consuming with relish the inner organs of animals, but that sounded kinda yucky.

  3. NYMary. How did you celebrate?

    Hey I noticed your post over at Atrios about how Terri Schievo's parents are contesting the autopsy. Have you noticed that the photo that is being used now is the "before" photo instead of the PVS photo? Is that a subtle comment on which side they are on?

  4. spocko,
    I saw that. They are using the pre-brain dead photo, and I think that does say something, but the poor woman is gone now, and I guess they can represent her any way they want. Of course, that's been true since 1990.
