Thursday, June 02, 2005

Important Questions

Did the world really need a midget Kiss cover band? I'm skeptical. Posted by Hello


  1. Yes. More than anything else we could possibly imagine.

  2. only if we can have the correlative midget "Runaways" cover band.

  3. Oh now THAT is ART!!!! You know what else we need? A midget SEX PISTOL cover band.. that would be sweet...

  4. Oh cool.. they're playing in your neck of the woods this weekend... Do I sense the opportunity for you and Thers to have a hot date?

  5. When I was on vacation recently, I caught a bit of a Jerry Springer episode titled "Don't Hurt The Midget". Two normal-sized sisters were fighting over the midget (he had a mullet and was missing some teeth), while the audience chanted "don't hurt the midget!" over and over.

    It was singularly the most surreal thing I have ever seen on television.

  6. Also, if you want to see the tables turned, you should check out a movie called Blood Dolls, where the baddie has a girl rock band in a cage, and the midget is the one who forces them to play, by administering electric shocks.

    This is not actually the plot, just a minor detail.

    Did I mention that the baddie's sinister, deadpan henchman wears clown makeup?

  7. Beautiful and stoned!!! Great music blog. I write about music too, so check it out if you've got the time.

  8. Thanks, Horatio! Looks like some good stuff.

    I deeply regret that my esteemed spouse, the estimable Thersites, has flatly refused to attend midget Kiss when they appear in our town tomorrow evening. I'm crushed.

  9. Eli,
    I'll see you one Blood Dolls and raise you a double feature of Desperate Teenage Lovedolls and Lovedoll Superstar.

  10. Yeah... Desperate Teenage Lovedolls and Lovedoll Superstar are CLASSICS.

    Thers won't see Mini Kiss? What a meanie....
