Monday, July 11, 2005

Way Too Cool

I actually do have work to do, but I found this link out there in the blogosphere, and it was too cool not to share.

Basically, it's a download site for a bunch of video clips from Top of the Pops (mostly) and a few other shows. As one might expect, many of these are mimed, but some are live or live-ish.

I had to do "Save Target As," as the guy suggests here, open RealPlayer separately, and browse for the file. But then it plays fine. What a resource!

For those shy about clicking links, clips include:

Top of the Pops
(via Hits A Gogo)
The Seeker - The Who (black and white (original tx in colour) - live vocals)

Top of the Pops
(via Disco)
Get It On - T Rex (mimed)

Top of the Pops
(via Disco)
My World - Bee Gees (live vocals)

Top of the Pops
(via Backtrack on VH1 and commercial video)
Autumn Almanac - Kinks (mimed)

unknown programme
(used on Hits A Gogo in a manner similar to The Seeker - Who clip, above)
Sorry Suzanne - Hollies (mimed)
Does anybody know what the source programme is? It looks like British TV to me.

Top of the Pops
(via Disco)
The Wizard - Uriah Heep (live vocals)

Top of the Pops
(via Disco)
Poppa Joe - Sweet (mimed)

Me and Bobby McGee - Johnny Cash - a great up-tempo version of Janis Joplin's hit, recorded for a Beatclub session in 1972.
(note: this is not a missing clip!)

Once More With Felix
The Stranger Song - Leonard Cohen - amazing 1967 colour clip from Julie Felix's BBC2 show, famous for the tear that runs down Cohen's face at the end of the song.

Top of the Pops
(via Disco)
Gudbye T'Jane - Slade (mimed)

Top of the Pops
(via Dutch TV)
Wonderboy - Kinks (mimed)

Enjoy! (But don't waste *too* much time here....) (/mom)


  1. This is awesome! I just wish I hadn't checked the blog at work...oh well.

  2. ooooo.. Looks good!

    And here is a site you may be interested in:

    I haven't tried to download anything yet because I have work to do online and it takes me so darned long to download anything, but it's a cool site anyhow.
