Saturday, December 10, 2005

Don't Tell NTodd!

...but he's got competition!

They Might Be Giants' very first podcast is available right now right here. To subscribe to this unique free service subscribe here. This first episode is approximately 20 minutes long and features a number of exclusive recordings and some unusual tracks we suspect you'll find interesting. The host is the Duke of Dead Air- Cecil Portesque- broadcasting from an undisclosed, very rainy location. Future podcasts are already in the works. Please check it out, and we sincerely invite you to hip as many people you know about this show- especially you blogtopianists out there.

So Dial-a-Song goes high tech. It was only a matter of time, I suppose.

But make sure to check out NTodd's podcasts, too.

1 comment:

  1. Gah! Just what I need: more fucking competition. There was a brief time when I was ranked in the Top 50 podcasts at Podcast Alley, but now I'm mire in the mid-200s. I guess I just need to be edgier or talk more about sex.

