Saturday, December 31, 2005

Saturday Babyblogging, or NTodd is a WATB

On Wednesday, we went to the park in Queens with Mother Thersites and the offspring. Here's the evidence.

The Boy.

(Not sure if the "Kiss My Hiney" is his sentiment, but he'd certainly approve....)
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The Girl.

No sooner had she gone down the slide than she desired what all children most desire: to climb up it backwards. Posted by Picasa

Thanks to all our buds who hung out in the city!


  1. Yay!!! I knew my WATB strategery would pay off eventually, just like the dog's barking always gets rid of the garbage truck...

  2. >(Not sure if the "Kiss My Hiney" is his sentiment, but he'd certainly approve....)

    Wouldn't his sentiment be "kiss the monkey pie butt"? :D

    And Brother Thers has pics of the very same day, and other Xmas related activities... I'll have to fwd them to you if he hasn't passed them along to you of Chez Thers already.
