Friday, January 06, 2006

Big Star Rarities

Courtesy of Kid C, we find this cool site:
Hey, hey, it’s Big Star Day here in Bootleg City! Presented for your downloading pleasure: What’s Goin’ Ahn, twenty-three tracks of demos, outtakes, and various other detritus left over from #1 Record and Radio City (not to mention a pair of live performances from ‘78). While I haven’t personally listened to these, I have been told they’re somewhat rough in the fidelity department, so caveat downloader and all that.


UPDATE: The commenter is right: the links are bloggered. Well. Paint me embarrassed. Apparently, What's Goin' Ahn, the bootleg once linked here, is one of the most sought-after on the internets, which I can well believe.

1 comment:

  1. Alas, all gone, but I do have the CD boot already, so all is well.
