Friday, January 20, 2006

Friday Babyblogging

These aren't brand new: the first is from Thanksgiving and the second from Christmas. But Grandma just sent them along this week, and after doing heroic battle with the scanner (which I had to completely uninstall and reinstall), things seem to be working okay. Look for some more PPPDA stuff this week, now that the scanner is repaired. Without further ado: Babyblogging.

Brother and sister. Posted by Picasa

With Christmas toy. Posted by Picasa


  1. Oh, you and Thers make such gorgeous children. Really, you do.

  2. What NTodd and Hecate said.

    I remember when my darlings were the same age.

    Good times.

  3. There they are!!! Give them great big hugs from me!!!

  4. Adorable children, both of them!
