Sunday, January 29, 2006

Rosie Battles the Red Robot

This week we acquired a robotic vacuum cleaner called a Roomba. It's kind of cool, though it meanders worse than a Bush nonanswer about a topic he doesn't understand. So it takes a while to actually clean. Thers resisted, because he thought our kids would be so fascinated that they'd break it the first day. Not quite, though he was right about the fascination, as the folowing photos demonstrate.

Rosie contemplates what to do with the robotic vaccum cleaner. Posted by Picasa

And decides. Posted by Picasa

She didn't hurt it, and in fact now she's tossing a ball at it, trying to get it to play.


  1. Oh! That is so cute! And funny that Rosie loves it!

  2. BTW, I hope you get a commission, NYMary: I just bought one. The vacuum, I mean. I apparently can't buy babies online.

  3. oooooo.... I want my next vaccum to be a Roomba.

    Glad Rosie's having fun with it. :)

    And is that your new coffee table in the background? NICE!!

  4. So my question is: Do I see Fringe? I love my Roomba, but I can only use it where I have no rugs - mine chokes on fringe and it's bad for both roomba's digestion and rug's complexion. I have an older version - have they solved that problem now?? Or is the Riverter in control? She looks like she often is!
