Monday, October 23, 2006

Babyblogging: Mobile Edition

Someone is learning to crawl. God help us all, and thank christ for the Roomba! (So far, he can only go backward, so he backs into things.)

Big Bro tries to lure him forward.

The crawling thing is frequently impeded by wicked cool objects.

And yummy!

It's amazing, really, how large motor skills, small motor skills, exploration, new foods, and teething coexist. And our SP* just rolls with the punches and keeps smiling.

* Sean Patrick or Secular Progressive; I'm cool either way.


  1. Oh, he is teh gorgeous, he is! What a big boy!

  2. Does he have a little warning beep when he's backing up?!

  3. Soon all three youngsters will be able to bang on the drums all day, driving the Teen crazy. Maybe Mom and Dad, too, but perhaps that's what whiskey is for... :-)

  4. HEY... you're letting that kid GROW!! And he's so cute, too!!

    I'm thinking that I'm going to have to participate in Thanksgiving this year no matter what because it's been too long since I've seen the kids!!

    Hugs for everyone!!

  5. Rosie's eyes always seem to have that glazed over look whenever I see her in a picture with something chocolate! :)

    Great pics, thanks! :)
