Wednesday, November 29, 2006

She's Baaaaaaack!

Altmouse is one of the greatest parody sites on the internet, taking functionally retarded law professor Ann Althouse to the cleaners. Partly, it works because it's so close to what she actually says.

I am above all intrablogicological blogging blogger blogblogwars, as my loyal commenters know. It is only the partisanship of others that causes me to constantly be involved in blog-fights. After all, if everyone would simply agree with me, as they should because my opinions are nonpartisan, then they would have no cause to disagree with what I say. Why is this so hard for them to understand?

Besides, I hate the tawdry, childish namecalling that can so often characterize the blogosphere, the kind of silly namecalling that poisonous little putrid partisan toads like Glenn Greenwald delight in. He writes so badly! His sentences can be very long and are full of many different words. How duh of him!

A helpful note to Professor Althouse: Don't take on Glenn Greenwald. You will live to regret it. Glenn is smart and hardly ever blogs about American Idol or America's Top Model or his own nose hair. (That's one way you can tell.)*

TRex gives another rundown here.

And I quite like the term "Christianist," myself. It works, and that's all a coinage needs to do. Thanks, Sully.

* I blog about completely shallow things, but I make no claims to do anything else, nor do I appear on CNN or Fox as some sort of expert.

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