Wednesday, November 15, 2006

This is So Cool

Jeez, my kid gets Broome Bituminous. That hardly seems fair.

Rockers to sponsor under-10 team

The team runs out to Motorhead's Ace of Spades

A Lincoln boys football team have won a sponsorship coup with a difference after striking a deal with heavy metal band Motorhead.

The Greenbank under-10s B team have the internationally renowned band's name on their shirts along with the band's motif - a skull named Snaggletooth.

The North Hykeham team also run out to the band's famous Ace of Spades track.

Team manager Gary Weight said the deal came about as he used to know lead singer Lemmy.

As a somewhat reluctant soccer mom, I'll admit it: I am sooooo jealous.

UPDATE: How did I miss this thing? (h/t Tom - 大肚腩)


  1. Oh COOL... I wonder if the kids ever hang around with Lemmy..

    Does Broome Bituminous have a theme song?

  2. Pure pop for now people. This team will KILL!

  3. The best quote comes from the team's manager: "The hope is that we can go out on the football pitch and terrorise the opponents".

    I want one of those jerseys!
