Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Zevon Reissues

As per the comment by Dave Lifton, below, he has a podcast interview of Jordan Zevon about reissues of some of his dad's work.
hursday afternoon, as I was trying to think of a topic for this episode, the version of Poor Poor Pitiful Me from Learning To Flinch came up on Shuffle Play. " I thought, “Hey, those reissues are coming out soon. Maybe I should try to get Jordan Zevon on.” That night, I came up with a handful of questions and e-mailed Jordan the next morning. He quickly responded with, paraphrased, “Sure. I’d be happy to.” I called him an hour later and, as you’ll hear, he had a lot of great stories, and he also couldn’t have been cooler.

(I tried to cope Dave's player here, but it doesn't seem to have worked. You can listen at his site.)

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