Thursday, April 26, 2007

Crossposting Alert

In which I terrify Ace of Spades with a Sheela Na Gig.

Below: A far preferable Ace of Spades.


  1. I just want to go on record here as saying that I couldn't be more proud of my co-blogger for alerting us to the Great Cunnilingus Crisis of 20007.

    NYMary -- the thanks of a grateful nation!!!!!

  2. On your atrios comment thread, you wrote "chinchilla" ( a small furry creature).
    I think you meant "scintilla" a tiny amount. (offered in good faith because we can't give the wingers ANY errorto criticize)
    That small grammar point aside, I agree, first time MSM got it's BS thrown back at it by a respected MSM voice.

  3. Here ees where someone untheenkingly makes a joke about "eating pussy".

    ¿Well joo can just forget about eet, ho-kay?

    Just put eet out of jour mind.


  4. Anon,
    With all due respect, I know chinchilla from scintilla.

    I did make a to/too error, however.

  5. "(In the interest of good taste, I will not note Thers's well-known penchant for bacon.)"

    Thank you for that.... :)
