Sunday, May 20, 2007


Been working like a dog on the garden lately, trying to get all the hardscape done in order to have flowers and vegetables sometime this summer. Enjoy!

The near end, with an old school desk that lived in my grandparent's basement, in the house next door. Also a cool fish from sculptor and landscape architect Jim Gardner.

The far end, with Buddha and an old log rack. When finished, the 8' x 35' bed will contain: white roses, lilacs, purple tulips, iris, grape hyacinth, baby's breath, morning glories, moonflowers, and cerinthe. Virginia Woolf's lover Vita Sackville-West, had a whole garden of white. Mine is white and purple.

The boy, in front this time. Dig the hostas!

A little artsy for me, but she looked so damn cute. The lilac bush is technically our neighbor's, but it was planted by my grandfather during the Depression, so I think Rosie has a right to play under it (and I to steal seedlings).

The duck makes a triumphant return, among the tulips and lilacs this time. She let me rototill not a yard from her head without hissing--maybe we have a new pet.


  1. 1) Dogs don't garden.

    2) Love the Rosie pic.

  2. I want a garden.

    The pic of Rosie looks Victorian.

  3. The yard looks awesome! As do the kids :)

  4. wt, I was thinking of Susannah York and Albert Finney clipping roses in Tom Jones, but it's basically the same thing.

  5. Mary, I love your use of art objects and found art - I can picture it with the mature flowering annuals you describe. And kids playing around it is the "bestest part".
