Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It's Official -- It's Swedish Appreciation Day at PowerPop!

Here's a charmingly nutty clip of ABBA and their heartrending classic of suburban infidelity and weird beards "Knowing Me Knowing You".

Cracks me up every time -- it's like a Monkees video directed by Ingmar Bergman.

Actually, that's not as far-fetched as it sounds. If memory serves, there's a longform ABBA video directed by My Life as a Dog and Chocolat
auteur Lasse Hellstrom. Come to think of it, this may actually be from it.

Update: As usual, Wikipedia is our friend; the above was indeed directed by Hellstrom.


  1. Knowing me knowing you was my favorite ABBA toon.

  2. My 80s skinny-tie band did an absolutely killer rocked out version of S.O.S.

  3. I love ABBA, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Though I probably should be.

  4. ABBA was a staple on the pioneering underground FM rocker, KSAN in San Francisco.

    "Name of the Game" was a big fave of theirs...
