Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Love is a Battlefield

Okay, it's no secret that I'm not a fan of American Idol or that I think all the perfomers on the show suck by definition.

Short version: Idol is a marketing scam designed to reward total lack of originality -- it's a canny and cynical way for music biz weasels to market people who sound exactly like the second-raters they were pushing two or three decades ago.

Also, Ann Althouse digs it. Nuff said.

Anyway, my dear friend Laura the Rock n Roll Travel Agent -- whose path has crossed mine at myriad concerts and band gigs over the years, and who's got really excellent taste -- demurs, at least where Idol alumna Kelly Clarkson is concerned. Great voice, writes her own songs, yada yada yada.

Well, out of respect, I caught Clarkson singing live today on a rerun of the Ellen DeGeneres show. Let's just say I was unconvinced.

Oh hell, let's just say that every generation gets the Pat Benatar it deserves.


  1. let's just say that every generation gets the Pat Benatar it deserves.

    If we're very lucky, we get our own Chrissie Hynde.

  2. We did not deserve Pat Nebatar. (Damn, that's just cruel.)
