Sunday, June 17, 2007

Knocked Up: The Blog Post

Over at the Premiere Magazine website I see that my old friend and colleague Glen Kenny -- doing business on his characteristically brilliant blog -- has some very interesting things to say about singer/songwriter Peter Blegvad, whose song "Daughter," as covered by Loudon Wainwright III, figures prominently in the end credits for the current comedy smash Knocked Up.

Glenn turned me on to (the-should-be-a-household word) Blegvad when we were working together at The Magazine Formerly Known as Stereo Review, and Blegvad's "King Strut" (a song that, to put it charitably, was a big influence on XTC's classic "Peter Pumpkinhead") has been on my MP3 player since forever.

Go read the post, and then as Glenn suggests (paraphrasing John Belushi) buy as many Peter Blegvad albums as possible.


  1. Blegvad was a member of both Henry Cow and The Art Bears wtih Dagmar Krause, Fred Frith, and Chris Cutler.
    Some of their stuff is pretty rough going, but I still think Cutler's the most original drummer.
    Peter may be married to Dagmar, but my memory isn't to be trusted.

  2. Actually, it was Slapp Happy's Anthony Moore who WAS married to Dagmar. As for PB, his spouse is the artist Chloe Fremantle.

    Thanks for the plug, Steve!

  3. Very nice blog! This guide helped me tons :) really appreciate it. thank you.
