Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fatuous, Thy Name is Bobo

Today, David Brooks is a rock critic.

"If you've been driving around listening to pop radio stations this spring and summer, you'll have noticed three songs that are pretty much unavoidable, and each of them is a long way from puppy love."

I can't give you a link to the rest of it -- the NYTimes is convinced you need to pay for that privilege -- but all you need to know is that it's a meditation on Les Cahiers de Carrie Underwood, Pink and Avril Lavigne. Which is to say a lot of tut-tutting about contemporary mores, i.e., today's rotten kids having sex at an age when Brooks wasn't getting any.

Reality check: Can anybody actually imagine Brooks driving around the Hamptons with the top down and Avril's "Girlfriend" blasting on the car radio?


  1. Brooks riding around the Hamptons...


    I can an 18 year old Bobo pleasuring himself in his mama's attic with the Sears catalog turned to the women's underwear section and Amy Gibson on the transistor radio.

  2. That's gonna haunt my dreams, I'm afraid.

  3. Speaking of pop music, Joe Scarbrough was ranking on white male pop bands (Hall and Oates in this case) a week or so ago.

    He showed his ignorance, no stupidity, by scorning any of these bands that cite R&B influences as bogus.

    He then went into a rap about being a big Barry Manilow fan and said he was mad that Karen Carpenter "sold out" and did some R&B-tinged stuff later in her career.

    I kept waiting for the asinine putz to allude that he had his tongue in his cheek, but he never did so I assume he was serious.

    Barry Manilow. Good grief.

  4. Whoa, Manilow and racisism. Yech.

    Some white singers have black soul, some, like Buck Owens, had country soul. I think it is the same thing, just different accent.


  5. The idea of Bobo rocking on out in any fashion is almost too horrible to contemplate, but if we must, I picture him as one of those "Simpsons" flashbacks - Homer with hair, doing his Idiot Bobo Dance to Styx or Loverboy or somesuch. (Ewwwww..)- Bill Buckner

  6. What next from Bobo? Deconstruction of professional wrestling?

    What a stupid asshole.

  7. today's rotten kids having sex at an age when Brooks wasn't getting any.

    Reality check: Can anybody actually imagine Brooks driving around the Hamptons with the top down and Avril's "Girlfriend" blasting on the car radio?

    maybe he thinks that if he's jamming to what teh kool kidz are listening to his long quest to get some will be rewarded?
