Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Gentlemen, Start Your TiVos

Turner Classic Movies is running The Greatest Motion Picture Ever Made this evening; check local listings for time and cable number.


  1. For a perfect example of Russ Meyer's amazing cinematography, just compare his vision of Tura Satana -- in this movie she looks to be a 6 1/2 foot tall, broad-shouldered hulking Amazon of a woman -- with how she appears in Ted V. Mikels' Z-film Doll Squad 8 years later -- attractive yes, but short and rather unimposing.

    Meyer's women never looked like less than superwomen, and it was due to his incredible abilities behind the camera (well, admittedly the women had rather... impressive qualities on their own, too).

  2. Oh, I thought you were referring to "The Immoral Mr. Teas." ;>

  3. I'm sorry -- I forgot about Tom Poston in "Zotz!"

  4. Okay, that needs to get watched tonight. As a certain blogmeister says, sounds like a hot one!

    Last night, I spent 5 minutes explaining the Monkees' "Head" to someone. Should have stopped after 30 seconds or so....

    -Jay C.

  5. Hey, "Head" is a great movie. Just show 'em the opening scene with "Porpoise Song" and they'll get it...

  6. Head is certainly a trip. Agressively weird, and I have a high tolerance for weird. Porpoise song is good, the whole album is fun.

