Monday, July 23, 2007

Jamming Out with the Mickjaggernauts

A Monday funny, which we might need worse anyway.

h/t The Kenosha Kid, who would probably look a lot like Jemaine, were he to dress in Bowie drag (and much as I like him, I dearly hope he will not).


  1. as I like him, I dearly hope he will not).

    Well, there is something I think we can all agree on.

  2. You know.... if you, Thers and the kids formed a band and traveled the land in the van, sort of like the Partridge Family only with more emo, you could call yourselves "The Mickjaggernauts".

    That would be SWEET!

  3. These guys are really quite funny, and the music works too. I hope they get rich as God.

