Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Present Day Hodad Refuses to Die

The classic Beach Boys line up, from a closed-circuit concert circa late 1964.

A coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded the first astute reader to divine the clip's relevance to the subject of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.

And no, it's not Top Ten Reasons Mike Love is a Dick.

BTW -- congratulate me. This is the first time I've actually posted a YouTube video without having to make Kid Charlemagne or NYMary do it for me.

[h/t watertiger]


  1. Congrats Steve!

    You can't see me, but I'm brushing a little tear away from the corner of my eye.

    And beyond the answer that Mike Love is a dick, I got nothin'!

  2. Is the category, "Lame lead singers who chew gum while performing"? Perhaps not.

    Speaking of lead singers and things Cleveland from the last post, Howie Klein over at C&L posted this yesterday as an homage to Hilly Kristol,

    Great stuff.

    I was once at an after party in Akron circa '80 and noticed a young lass working dilligently to provoke some passed out guy on the couch to, er, um, "be stiff" for her.

    She was only mildly successful. It wasn't until he kinda woke up and blurted out something in what might have been English that we realized it was in fact a semi erect Stive Bators on the receiving end of her herculean labors.

    Good times...good times.

  3. Oops.

    here's the link

  4. I once carried a passed out Stiv Bators out of a club in our hometown of Youngstown, OH and packed him into his girlfriend's car.

    He was a really sweet guy, but was usually almost always totally blotto.

  5. Was that perhaps the inspiration for the Dead Boys "Caught With the Meat In Her Mouth"?

    BTW -- here's a hint:

    The subject is kind of related to last week's....

  6. Was that perhaps the inspiration for the Dead Boys "Caught With the Meat In Her Mouth"?


    Prolly not. He was near the end of his Ohio and US days by then.

    Hey KC, I'm originally from Y'town as well. The home of the fried bologna sammich. My brotha.

    As to the hint for tomorrow's Listomania, I'm stumped.

    Is it shows of super famous bands that should be good but aren't? If so, I nominate Tom Petty as the king of the boringest live show ever.

  7. Hey Clevo Bob,

    Small world ain't it? Did you ever ride the Wildcat at Idora Park?

    Steve, Is it the WORST concert you ever witnessed?

    If it is, I have a doozy.


  8. Steve, Is it the WORST concert you ever witnessed?

    If it is, I have a doozy.

    No, but that's a great idea.

  9. OK, 10 reasons are certainly not enough to pontificate on why Mike Love is a schmuck.

    Best concert films?


  10. All will be revealed just the other side of midnight....
