Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bringing It All Back Home

Back from the big DC Peace March.

Some of my friends from Eschaton were good enough to accompany me to the Vietnam Memorial. Thanks to NTodd (who nudged me to do the right thing), Culture of Truth, and everybody else for being there.

Rest in Peace Richard Irving Brenner, 1947-1969.


  1. it was an honor.

  2. What drives me nuts is that, well, that wall should have been the last war memorial our country ever needed. Now we'll need another one.

    The people who started and led cheers for this insane war going on now in Iraq have spit on every single name on that wall. They are traitors to humanity.

    Peace, Steve. May your friend be at oeace as well.

  3. Thers:

    Thank you sir.

    Hoo boy....

  4. Good on you, Steve. Everyone should have a friend like you to help to honor their memory.

    Oh, and what Thers said goes double for me. Traitors to humanity indeed.

    RIP, Richie.

  5. "The Wall" is shaped like a V-for-Vietnam. The next wall, of course, will have to be shaped like a "W."

    My fucking god when will this end...
