Thursday, October 11, 2007

An Early Clue to the New Direction

The Mavericks, featuring the great Raul Malo, have a go at Tom Jones.

A coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded the first reader who divine's the clips' relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.


  1. I'm gonna go with genre-jumping covers for $200, Alex.

    Kid C, when you get a chance, can you drop me an email?

  2. You know that Robert Reynolds of the Mavericks played with the power pop supergroup Swag, right?

  3. I did not know that, but it doesn't surprise. The Mavericks have always come off as much, much smarter than they need to be...

  4. What was that jangle tune that the Mavs did? What a Crying Shame?

    Great tune.

    BTW, Mary already guessed my guess.

  5. I'll give you a hint --

    It's something about the song itself. Or more specifically, the Tom Jones record of the song....

  6. Well, given your comment earlier about Chicago, is it great horn-driven tunes??
