Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Goodnight, Whatever You Are!!!!

It's Halloween, bitches! So give it up for hero of my youth John Zacherley, the once and future Cool Ghoul.

Oh my god -- this Saturday, there's going to be a 40th anniversary Disc-O-Teen Reunion in Newark, N.J.

The man himself will be there, of course. Plus a set by garage rock gods the Doughboys, featuring PowerPop fave Richard X. Heyman on drums.

Anybody want to go?


  1. Is that THE Doughboys

    who had the great song "Sunflower Honey"?

  2. These guys were from NJ. Had two singles on Bell -- Rhoda Mendelbaum and Everybody Knows My Name, circa 66/67.

    Heyman's highschool group....

  3. Wish I could ... should be a scream!

  4. BG:

    Did you ever watch Disc-o-teen? God, I watched it religiously...

    He had a battle of the bands in the summer-- a group from my high school played one show.....

  5. No, never saw it, unfortunately, or at least not that I remember ... I watched Clay Cole and Lloyd Thaxton all the time, though. The bands actually performed live.

    A column that Clay Cole wrote for the December 1965 issue of Sixteen magazine is the reason I bought "Having a Rave-Up" ... it was the first serious writing about pop music that I ever read. I still have it.

    I posted another comment below about Terry Reid, btw ...

  6. Clay Cole?

    Wow...I watched him as well. First time I ever saw the Stones, actually.

    I also vividly remember he had Dylan on once. Cole dressed up just like him, which was pretty funny. Then he asked Bob who was his biggest influence as a songwriter, and Bob said "Cole Porter."

  7. Yeah, that was the first time I ever saw the Stones, too! I loved that show ... much better than Hullabaloo, Shindig, Where the Action is (all of which I also watched) ... I think I read that they destroyed all the tapes of it, which is a real shame, especially because the performances were live.

  8. how funny, i'll actually be in town but will just have missed it thank you ATA flight schedule.

    the consolation prize ain't so bad, though: the sonics, the lyres, the fleshtones and all those spazzy garage nerds. yum.

  9. dave™© said...

    Good one, thanks.

    I'm really sorry I can't go that reunion...I loved that show. Zacherley played the best music...first place I heard the Who single "Substitute" was on his show. I remember running into NYC the next day to a record store in the Village that specialized in Brit stuff...

  10. Got my ticket for the reunion, used to go to DOT all the time, filled up a lot of that "wasted youth" time. Zach is a great guy and it is an honor to celebrate with him. It's going to be a blast.

