Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Hard Days Noche

Our co-blogger Kid Charlemagne turned me on to Los Shakers, AKA The Beatles of Uruguay, a few months ago when he posted the YouTube of their delightful "Break It All." Since then, I've been playing their even cuter Beatles 65 derived "Always You" obsessively.

Who knew there was a video?

Seriously, they had me from that adorable piano riff. What a wonderful band...


  1. I sent the link to a female friend of mine last night, and she e-mailed me back that she thought it was John Lennon for a minute until she realized they had Spanish accents...

  2. I've been humming this tune all morning. Curse you, Simels!

  3. The should have called themselves Los Ringos

  4. peter spencer said...
    I've been humming this tune all morning. Curse you, Simels!

    You should hear it in stereo. There's a gorgeous twelve-string guitar that comes in half way through.

    It's really amazing how well produced they were...
