Monday, October 29, 2007

Tales From the Maladministration

From 2005, here's Jon Auer and Ken Stringfellow of the Posies with an unplugged version of Graham Nash's finest moment with the Hollies -- "King Midas in Reverse."

Apart from the fact that Auer and Stringfellow may very well have been genetically engineered to cover Hollies songs -- the studio version can be found here, on one of the very best tribute albums ever -- it's amazing how prescient the song is. For the longest time, everybody pretty much assumed Creedence's "Fortunate Son" was the George W. Bush story, but given recent events, it's obvious that Nash was the one going all Nostradamus about Chimpy.

1 comment:

  1. Just great. That's been my name for the Resident since 9/11.

    Look at the man's career. No more apt name could be given to him.
