Monday, November 12, 2007

Deja Vu All Over Again

Say what you will about the Barenaked Ladies -- they're goofy, they're earnest, they're Canadian -- but they're a hell of a pop band.

And yes, I've never really forgiven them for that gag-inducing nerdy white-boy rap song. But this is sublime.

Seriously -- have you ever heard a better opening line than "I met you before the fall of Rome"?

Update: I totally forgot I reviewed their concert movie for Entertainment Weekly. You can read it here.


  1. They're my lovely wife's favorite band, which always surprises me...

  2. Wow. That was great. They wrote some excellent pop tunes for a while. However, I saw them a couple of years back on some kinda X-Mas extravaganza tour and they were terrible.

    The concert was so corny and sugar coated we had to leave but our ride was digging the show so we sat in the lobby until it was over. And we had pretty good seats.

  3. The documentary/concert flick about them -- Barenaked in America -- is actually well worth checking out. Ethan Hawke, of all people, directed (if memory serves).

    Wait a minute -- I reviewed that. I'm gonna go put up the link.

  4. Sorry -- Jason Priestly, not Ethan Hawke.

  5. Also say this for them: How many bands have written a song about a musical icon that the subject icon himself thinks enough of to cover in concert?

  6. Dave wrote: "They're my lovely wife's favorite band."

    That is my situation as well. And she has turned me onto them too. I prefer it when the rock out, but then I prefer it when everyone rocks out.


  7. I get compared to BNL a lot. Especially my "Superman" song.

    Yes, I am shamelessly promoting myself. Have you met my publicist...Hi, my name is Phil.

  8. I love it when respectable people give praise to BNL. Makes it much easier for me to do it.

    And considering this song was immediately after the "gag-inducing nerdy white-boy rap song" on Stunt, Steve, I'd say you've forgiven them.

  9. DL -- They're on the same album?

    Now there's an argument for downloading selected songs from iTunes rather than buying a CD...
