Monday, November 19, 2007

Meet on the Ledge

Noted without comment, here's The Legendary Star Dust Cowboy and "My Underwear Froze to the Clothesline."

I particularly like the opening from his Wiki entry: "The Legendary Stardust Cowboy, born Norman Carl Odam on October 10, 1947 in Lubbock,Texas, is an incoherent rock and roll performer..."

And the ending isn't bad, either: "He is currently continuing his eastern US tour with his band, the Altamont Boys."


  1. This reminds me of the the quite coherent, equally funky Goober and the Peas, who sold me a prized tee shirt in the early 1990's. They have a couple of videos up: Hot Woman, Cold Beer and Funky Cowboy. Their performances were not too dissimilar to the videos.

  2. Lege!

    I once saw The Legendary Stardust Cowboy open for Buck Naked & The Barebottom Boys. True story.

  3. All right!

    Another genius from my hometown of Lubbock, Texas!

    Dear lord, it's like a shitkickin' Captain Beefheart.
