Monday, December 24, 2007

This is Not a Christmas Post

For some reason, the other day I was having a discussion about Pink Floyd with somebody and I blurted out "I don't get David Gilmour." Then I found this utterly lovely version of a great Richard Thompson song.

I now get David Gilmour.


  1. Well, that was exquisite.

    I may not believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but between the presence of YouTube and this performance, it is obvious that the universe can produce some truly wonderful things.

  2. Strangely enough, I didn't really get David Gilmour until now either. Thanks. And even stranger, I had posted my own version of this beautiful song over at my place not too long ago.

  3. gary:

    A very nice job, my friend -- thanks for letting us hear it....

  4. Steve: Thanks for listening and for the kind words.
