Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tuesday Monkees Blogging

No particular reason -- I just love this clip.

BTW, if you've never ingested a mind-altering substance and sat down for a viewing of
the movie
from whence it comes, you're missing one of life's most interesting experiences -- in particular, the scene where the band is combed like dandruff from the hair of a giant Victor Mature....


  1. This is a Goffin-King tune no? Excellent.

  2. Head is a mind altering experience in and of itself!

    Another record I need to move to the pod.


  3. ah the monkees and my distant childhood.

    whenever my parents weren't home in the evenings, I had to stay with a very elderly next door neighbor in a very tiny house. I remember fondly that she and I would watch the Monkees together. She liked Mickey best - she remembered him from Circus Boy

    I saw Head when I was 11 or 12- I felt so subversive and "alt"

  4. The Big Victor!

    I remember seeing a spread on this flick in my sister's "Tiger Beat" magazine that focused on that whole scene...

  5. Dang, I need to remember to visit this blog more often, it's always so full of awesome.

    The first time I saw Head was on a double bill with that other classic, "Psycho Out." Even *I'm* jealouse of me! :-)
