Monday, January 07, 2008

Genius is Pain

This got linked to in Friday's Weekend Listomania comments, but it's so mindboggling I thought I'd post it where more folks might see it. From the 1972 National Lampoon album Radio Dinner, the late still not dead Tony Hendra sticks it to John Lennon's primal scream period.

In case you're wondering, every word of the above rant is lifted directly from Lennon's post-Beatles breakup interview in Rolling Stone. Kudos to Rick Moore -- whoever he is -- for having the wit to finally make a video for it.

[h/t realist]


  1. The great FM rocker KSAN used to play this a lot. They also used to play the Joan Baez parody from the same elpee... and of course, "Detriorata"!

  2. Man I hope you are wrong about "the late Tony Hendra". His book FATHER JOE is a personal favorite. I can't find anything on the net about him passing. You have a source?


  3. Good lord -- I seem to have goofed on Hendra, who is still, apparently, not dead.

    I deeply regret the error....

  4. Man, I'd forgotten how funny that is.

    My wife, who had never heard it, cracked up too!

  5. I remember hearing this in Minneapolis when we used to listen to the "Radio Hour" on KQRS AOR! That show was a ritual. BTW... the link to The Beat is dead.... and I know I've said this before but... no Raspberries link under the love? The very definition of powerpop? Puleeeze? Pretty puleeeeze?

  6. I deeply regret the error....


    Man what a serendipitous blog. Did more diggin' on Hendra and turns out there is very credible evidence of him having molested his daughter. Here is The NYTimes link if interested:

  7. Melissa Manchester doing Yoko? That Melissa Manchester?

  8. Yeah, Hendra's life and career are a bit... odd. But he'll always be Ian Faith to me.

    (I remember my brother playing this full-blast, but I had no idea what it was or where it came from.)

  9. Yeah, that Melissa Manchester. She started out as a session singer.

    I've never heard this piece before; the only thing I've heard from that album (I guess) is the Deteriorata. It definitely needs to be played for some of the more die-hard Lennonists I've run across.

    And, my, isn't that picture of Ms. Laurie just something!

  10. What makes the piece so absolutely wonderful is that it is quotes. I love the line about beating up George and "those fucking Hare Krishnas."


  11. I seem to have goofed on Hendra, who is still, apparently, not dead

    Don't feel bad - I started to post "the late great Tony Hendra" along with "the late great John Lennon" in my original comment. Fortunately, my curiosity got the better of me and I checked Wikipedia to see exactly when he died before I click the "Post" button. To my surprise, (and undoubtedly Tony's pleasure) I discovered he's still among the living.

    I could have sworn he died some years back. Guess I must be confusing him with Doug Kenney.
