Tuesday, January 08, 2008

In Search of the Kenosha Kid

Okay, it's also David Bowie's birthday. Born David Robert Jones this day in 1947 in Brixton, London.

You know, some days I really miss Dinah Shore....


  1. There's A Dinah clip when she is interviewing Iggy that is really cute. She's very motherly.

  2. I had gotten the impression that you guys were anti-Bowie. It's good to see some love out there for Mr. Jones.

  3. BTW, is that Nancy Walker, Rhoda's mom at the end of the bit?...

  4. ClevoBob,

    Steve's anti-Bowie. I'm a fan.

  5. I'm not anti-Bowie, I just think he's the most overrated figure in rock history.

  6. Overrated perhaps...hardly the most. That honor, IMHO, goes to either Messers Hendrix or Paige.

  7. Hendrix overrated?

    (pause while I catch my breath)

    Wow, I have never heard that one before Bob.

    Most overrated in my book would include Duran Duran, The Band (I really like the Band, but they are not ALL that,) Madonna, but not Jimi.


  8. Hendrix overrated?

    That's one I've never heard before...I would have to dissent on that one in any case.

  9. Trey and Steve,

    Yeah, I get that a lot. I can't tolerate Janis Joplin either. To each his own, say I.

    Hendrix was admittedly an enormous influence, I just don't happen to like his guitar sound in the least. Dave Edmunds or James Burton?...now there's a player or two.

  10. CB:

    Have you ever listened to
    "Little Wing" -- preferrably under the headphones?

    I can't think of a more gorgeous guitar sound (not to mention what he's actually playing is insanely inventive).....

  11. Steve,

    Free thinker that I am, I'll try to find a copy and give it a shot.

    I never liked bleu cheese until a few years ago either, so what have I got to lose??


  12. CB:

    It's not at all what you think of as the Hendrix style -- it's a gloriously trebly classic Strat sound with lots of reverb and twang. 60s soul/r&b guitar but to the max...just gorgeous.

    And that's even before he gets to the solo...

  13. it's a gloriously trebly classic Strat sound with lots of reverb and twang. 60s soul/r&b guitar but to the max...just gorgeous.

    Hey Joe.

    BTW, the opening riff to "Hey Joe"...

    Goose bumps, I tells ya.

    cb and I would go round and round wrt Jimmy Page being over-rated, y tambiƩn. Over-played, over-hyped maybe, but not at all over-rated.
