Monday, February 11, 2008

An Acuff-Rose is a Rose is a Rose

Aging lemon squeezer Robert Plant and bluegrass goddess Alison Krauss can be glimpsed tonight in concert on cable TV channel CMT, starting at 8pm EST. They'll be doing songs from their justifiably acclaimed duet album "Raising Sand" in front of a small audience in Nashville, in the company (from time to time) of their producer T-Bone Burnett.

Needless to say, as you can see from the above clip -- a sinuous take on an old Everly Brothers song -- it could be a hot one!


  1. swami - I've been pleasantly surprised by this deal.

    Fortune Teller is good as is Please Read the Letter.

    My only beef would be that Ms. Krause doesn't get enough air time on the two or three songs I've heard.

    Maybe Allison can join the Zep as a fiddle player a la Eddie Jobson.

  2. Re: Plant:

    Solo: wonderful
    W/ Zep: SUCKS!

    It's a generational thing!

  3. I grabbed this video out of a newsgroup the other day; didn't really know what to expect, but it's really a great version of this song.

    I'm not sure why Plant wants to go back to Der Zeppelin. (Well, I assume the cash). But between this record and his very powerful band Strange Sensation, he seems to be on a solo roll.

    There's a live version I've heard of Strange Sensation doing "Black Dog," and for my money, it's better than the original.

  4. Plant and Krauss also do a version of "Black Dog" (as well as "When The Levee Breaks", with Alison taking the vocal) on the CMT special, much more roots versions than the Led Zeppelin originals. I was really impressed with the album, I just saw the special and was equally impressed. A particular standout is guitarist Marc Ribot. I've heard many records with Ribot, but I believe this is the first time I've seen him play. Hopefully he'll be with the Plant/Krauss band when they tour this summer.

  5. tjwood:

    Marc Ribot is a god. Just saying...

  6. Correct. Marc Ribot is a god. And so is T Bone as a producer. Anybody who can get me to like anything sung by Robert Plant is working some serious magic...

  7. Cleveland Bob:

    Did you ever hear "Dreamland" -- that album of mostly obscure 60s covers Plant did a few years ago?

    It's really great. He does Moby Grape's "Seeing" -- pretty much my favorite Skip Spence song -- as well as stuff by Tim Buckley etc.

    Well worth checking out...
