Thursday, March 20, 2008

An Unusually Early Clue to the New Direction

From 1973, here's Steely Dan and one of the most chilling songs about sexual jealousy ever written, "Through With Buzz."

Seriously, this is so on the money about how you feel after you've been you lie awake, tossing and turning, agonizing about some other guy's hands on her thighs. "Maybe he's a fairy...." indeed.

Although, ahem, perhaps I've already said too much.

In any case, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded to the first reader who divines the clip's relevance to Friday's Weekend Listomania.


  1. I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and guess Best Pop Breakup Songs. And, if I'm right, may I cast my vote now for "Idiot Wind" as Numero Uno?

  2. I plead guilty to a little misdirection here.

    So alas, no, not about breakup songs.

    Although that's a good idea I'm gonna steal down the road.....

  3. Shortest songs ever written? This clocks in at 1:31.

    Okay, I admit it, I know that's not it ...

  4. songs about quitting things that get you buzzed?

  5. I'll try Best String Arrangement for a Pop/Rock Song.

  6. tjwood:

    I'm not worthy, my friend -- you nailed it. And I thought my little diversion about you know what would have thrown everybody off.

    Your coveted No-Prize is being Fed Exed to you as we speak.....
