Thursday, April 10, 2008

An Early Clue to the New Direction (Special Hire People With Hooks Edition)

Off to Gomorrah on the Hudson, for my traditional mysterious Thursday assignation.

Meanwhile, from 1970, here's Christie and their sort of lame but still endearing Creedence ripoff "Yellow River."

As is customary, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded to the first reader who divines the clip's relevance to Friday's Weekend Listomania.


  1. Best pop/rock record with a fictional geographical location in its title.

  2. In honor of the 2008 Summer Games in China and their outstanding human rights polices, I give you the top Power Pop/Rock songs with a Chinese reference in the title.


  3. I'm old enough that I can easily go to YouTube and listen to a song I haven't heard in 35 years. Many of the pop hits in that category are much worse than I remember them being; this one's actually better.

  4. Songs with unintended Porno references in their title?


  5. OK, good one ROTP!

    Endearing hit ripoffs?

    Best video location dropping? (Video name dropping, but with a place, oh never mind)

    British bands trying to sound American for a change?

    Major guitar style ripoffs?


  6. This might be too obvious, but I'll try pop songs with a color in the title.

  7. dave said...
    Best pop/rock record with a fictional geographical location in its title.

    I hate you with a deep, abiding, and lingering passion.

    Seriously, dude -- this is a first, I think. Nobody's ever gotten it right out of the box. My hat's off to you.

    Your coveted No-Prize with Oak Leaf Cluster is being dispatched to you by rickshaw as we speak.

  8. And I was going to say something about The Barbarians and Def Leppard -

    (Special Hire People With Hooks Edition)

  9. Damn, I though I.P. Daily sang that one.

  10. noam sane said...
    Damn, I though I.P. Daily sang that one.

    I'm embarassed I actually get that one.

    And Kenosha Kid --

    I was thinking of the Barbarians too, but the line itself is from the old National Lampoon parody "Deteriorata."

    Which is on YouTube somewhere, and definitely worth behearing.
