Monday, April 28, 2008

Oh Joy!

Madonna has a new album!! And a new video!!! And Justin Timberlake's in it!!!!

I'm sorry, but this whole deal where it's now supposed to be cool to like Timberlake, despite his lame boy band past, because he's some kind of all around entertainer who's not afraid to poke fun at his image (cf. the forthcoming Mike Meyers movie The Love Guru) strikes me as, at least on some level, a perverse camp affectation. Like when the MTV crowd pretended to, like, you know, really dig Tony Bennett.

As for Ms. Ciccone herself, the great cartoonist/singer/songwriter/guitarist Peter Blegvad probably said it best.

"A teaspoon of talent."


  1. THANK GOD, someone said it! In public, no less. I don't know where all this misguided acceptance is coming from. I personally think the government is spiking our water supply with cotton candy.

    Amen to you, brother, AMEN!

  2. There was a time when I would have given her a spoonful Howlin' Wolf style! (As long as she kept her big yap shut.)


  3. Madonna, the original superslutstar. Whose entire career message was "it doesn't matter if I can sing or write or have any talent whatsoever, you can jerk off to my picture!" Who released a whole book of sad depressing bondage photos just to ram the point home.

    Just think, without Madonna, there'd be no Britney, no Simpson Sisters, no Lindsay Lohan....

    Madonna not set pop music back, she set sexual liberation and women's liberation back about 50 years.

  4. "not ONLY set"


    Tired & grumpy this morning, can you tell?

  5. All you need to know about Madonna is that Camille Paglia thinks she's a great, important artist.

    Come to think of it, that's all you need to know about Camille Paglia.

  6. All you need to know about Madonna is that Camille Paglia thinks she's a great, important artist.

    Come to think of it, that's all you need to know about Camille Paglia.

    Two of the truest statements ever made.

  7. While Camille Paglia makes me laugh on occasion, and I actually have two Madonna songs on the iPod, I will let my iPod itself have the last work.

    I pulled up the video to watch but left the iPod on because I didn't really want to have to listen to Madonna. So I watch the video and there she is and "Pictures Of Lilly" is playing on the iPod.

    Score one for Apple.


  8. last worD. Not work.

    More coffee.

