Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Seperated at Birth?

Heavily hyped NYC hepsters du jour Vampire Weekend (2008) --

-- and one hit wonder NYC hepsters de le vieille école Every Mother's Son (1967).

Seriously -- are both of these bands just too cute for words or what?


  1. For some reason, this reminds me of Unit 4 + 2's "Concrete and Clay."

  2. Without the great guitar solo....

  3. Would someone please explain the appeal of Vampire Weekend? Seriously, I don't get it. Every Mother's Son is much better and they aren't all that great.


  4. Someone call the spelling police. Fast!

  5. Kinda got that Cowsills vibe too. But to me this Vampire video is a big step down from (I think it was) their first one, which in addition to being perky beyond all human understanding ALSO at least gave off a Hey Hey We’re the Monkeys kind of grin that this one lacks.

  6. "Too cute for words..." Ya if cute is another word for goofy looking , particularly if we're talking about Every Mother's Son. I just can't take Vampire Weekend seriously though, every time I hear the lead singer I think early 70's Paul Simon. There goes my hipster cred.
