Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Slightly Earlier Than Usual Clue to the New Direction

Off to NYC for yet another mysterious assignation. In the meantime, from 1967, here's The Zombies and "Friends of Mine," one of the most gloriously tuneful tracks from their sublime masterpiece Odessey and Oracle.

As a fan of these guys from day one, I must say that the recent critical concensus that the album is one of the genuine highpoints of pop music in the second half of the 20th century has warmed the cockles of my heart, whatever they are.

But in any case, as is customary, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded to the first reader who divines the clip's relevance to tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Special Terry Meets Julie Waterloo Station Edition of Songs ‘Bout Other Couples?

  4. Song about Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice?

  5. I need an editor.

    Best Vocalist.

    p.s., I actually saw the Zombies play over the Fourth of July weekend in Saint Paul, for free. Colin Blunstone was magnificent. As they broke up immediately upon its release, the Zombies are only now performing most of Odessey and Oracle live.

  6. Songs about friends?

    Bands with more than one member who wears glasses?

  7. geor3ge and mbowen are closer than I would have which I mean closer than I would have expected anybody to be, not them specifically.

    But no, not quite.

  8. Okay, it's going up in's about the names in the song.

    they were all real people the Zombies knew.

    Which is still not EXACTLY what the list is....
