Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Tales From the Great White North

Yesterday, having some unexpected spare time on my hands, I started putting together a mix-tape entitled Great Lost Singles of the Eighties, and I was moved to include the following guilty pleasure.

That's the 1982 hit (in Canada) "Your Daddy Don't Know," by the hit (in Canada) band Toronto (named for a city in Canada). To my ears, it's the greatest Rick Springfield song Rick Springfield never recorded, but for those of you inclined to dismiss it as merely vintage 80s cheese, I should note that in recent years it's been covered, note for note, by the New Pornographers (also from Canada). With Neko singing lead, 'natch.


  1. I had no idea! One of the casualties of the CD era is the difficulty of reading liner notes in a tiny font. You're right, Neko replicated this vocal down to the last "shake it up." But with cheese this rich, why mess with a good formula?

  2. speaking of great lost singles of the 80s what ever happened to THE A'S "A woman's got the power"

  3. Mmmmm...cheesalicious!

    Love that synth sound!
