Monday, November 10, 2008

The Best Band in America?

All signs point to yes.

That's The Hold Steady, on Conan O'Brien back in August, with the title song from their brilliant Stay Positive (which I can reveal will be, barring an act of The Flying Spaghetti Monster, my number one album pic in the upcoming Village Voice critic's poll).

Incidentally, they live in Brooklyn, in a certain shady dame's neighborhood, but of course that hasn't influenced my judgement about them or the record in any way.


  1. Heard this bunch on the local indy station.

    Pretty nice.

  2. Whoa, this works! Thanks.


  3. They live in Brooklyn now but they tell quite a bit about the Twin Cities where for some stunningly creative time they were stuck between two stations.

  4. You just like 'em because one of the guys in the band is wearing a beret.

  5. Nice.

    But man, Conan looks like the Jolly Red Giant at the end there.

  6. who does conan obrians hair?

  7. Other new music I've heard on the indy station:

    Ryan Bingham, Delta Spirit, Grace Potter, Rafael Shadique

  8. Remember back when David Lee Roth said that rock critics liked Elvis Costello more than Van Halen because they all looked like EC?

    I keed, I keed...

    Nice stuff, but I'd like the guys to concentrate a little bit more on melody next time.
