Monday, January 05, 2009

Consciousness Raising as a Social Tool

You know, I realize that in many ways Beyoncé is a contemporary version of a Sixties Girl Group siren, and that her current hit (and video) should be looked at, basically, as The Ronettes redux.

That said, I still think the song is butt ugly and charmless. With a trowelled-on message.

BTW, a coveted (and unprecedented) non-weekend PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded the first reader to correctly identify the source of this post's title.

No peeking, but if you're stumped you can find it here.


  1. She is certainly lovely, but can she sing? It is difficult to tell with that vocalizing on this number. I really could not identify her voice in a line up. Sometimes it is good to be out of touch.


  2. Sorry. I peeked. I only saw them once. Now playing the CD.

  3. You want to see how butt-ugly this really is? Watch it with the sound turned off.

    And my word verification is "aweek" ... as in eight days, which is how long my morning has been.

  4. TPOH. Wanna hear my band ruin...uh.. I mean cover it?

  5. For years I have been laboring under the misapprehension that my little band of Rekkid Store droogies and I were the only TPOH fans on the East Coast. All hail Moe! - "The Downward Road" remains a FINE way to start your day. - bill buckner

  6. Well, you know, compared to divamatic grandmere Mariah Carey ...

  7. Frankly, I think she's one of the more talented divas of the last decade or so. But clearly, we're getting into my-shit-don't-stink territory here.

  8. I just want to know what the hell ever became of actual arrangements. Is that so much to ask?

  9. Gawd- the backing track sounds like an old broken Nintendo game. No, I take it back, that would sound better. (There are some bands that attempt that and they DO sound better.)

  10. Songwriting needs to be something more than repeating an epigram over the sound of a piledriver.

    More and more, dancing seems to be a lost art as well.

  11. Also, you kids stay off my lawn.
